一年一度的细胞学界盛会CYTO2021即将于2021年6月7日至10日盛大召开。今年的CYTO与去年一样为在线形式,更为便捷的是,今年中国用户可以免费参会。这为中国科研界与世界顶尖学者的交流提供了更丰富的渠道。作为金牌赞助商之一,Fluidigm也将携其独家核心技术 -- 质谱流式技术(CyTOF®)、成像质谱流式技术(IMC™)及最新推出的创新产品精彩亮相本次大会。在此,我们诚邀您访问我们的在线展台,并积极参与我们的直播互动。我们的工作人员也会全程在线,随时为您答疑解惑。
Hyperion™ 组织成像质谱流式系统 提供前所未有的单细胞分辨率,可深入洞察组织微环境。 | |
全新anti-CD45 金属标记抗体 Live-cell Barcoding 可对至少35个样本进行多重barcoding | |
Maxpar® Direct™ 一站式免疫分型系统 为临床研究中纵向人体免疫监测提供一流的解决方案。 |
Session: Cytometry in Mental Health
Monday, June 7 | 20:25-21:20 pm Beijing Time
Assessment of Neuroinflammation and Microglial Activation in Major Depressive Disorder With Mass Cytometry
Chotima Böttcher, PhD
Senior Scientist, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Clinic, Molecular Psychiatry Lab
Session: Data Science and Cytometry: Why Taking It “One Cell at a Time” May Not Be Enough …
Tuesday, June 9 | 2:45 am–3:45 am Beijing Time
Computational Cytometry Pipelines with FlowSOM
Sofie Van Gassen, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher, VIB-UGhent Center for Inflammation Research
Machine Learning for Integrative Analysis of the Immune System in Pregnancy
Nima Aghaeepour, PhD
Assistant Professor, Standford University
Session: Cytometry and Immunology
Wednesday, June 9 | 12:30–1:30 am Beijing Time
Sara De Biasi, PhD
Post-doctoral fellow, Department of Surgery, Medicine, Odontoiatrics and Morphological Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
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