Burkhard Becher, PhD, University of Zurich
Single-cell mapping of human brain cancer reveals tumor-driven education of tumor
associated leukocytes
Noel de Miranda, PhD, Leiden University Medical Center
Deep immunophenotyping of cancer microenvironments by Imaging Mass Cytometry™
Evan Newell, PhD, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Deciphering T cell heterogeneity in humans through analysis of antigen-specificity
Richard Head, MS, Washington University School of Medicine at St. Louis
Development of an extraction-free, saliva-based workflow for SARS-CoV-2 detection with the Biomark™ HD platform
Patrick Reeves, PhD, Massachusetts General Hospital
Mass cytometry in vaccine development: utility and considerations
Kurt Schalper, MD, PhD, Yale Cancer Center
Evaluating tumor-immune cell interactions in human lung cancer using multiparametric and spatially resolved tissue analysis
David Novo, PhD, De Novo™ Software
Visualization and analysis of high-parameter CyTOF® data with FCS Express™ in record time
Hema Kothari, PhD, University of Virginia
Identification of human immune cell subtypes most vulnerable to IL-1β-induced inflammatory signaling using mass cytometry
Hiroyoshi Nishikawa, MD, PhD, National Cancer Center Japan
Comprehensive landscape of the tumor microenvironment analyzed with CyTOF technology
● 了解我们的COVID研究和检测解决方案,包括我们向美国FDA提交的Advanta™ DXSARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR Assay的紧急使用授权(EUA),这是一种基于唾液的免萃取物检测方法,可快速检测SARS-CoV2病毒。
● 了解新的AccuLift™激光捕获显微切割系统,该系统使研究人员能够捕获肿瘤微环境中的指定区域或单个细胞,揭示独特的分子特征,获得空间生物学新见解。
● 抢先了解Fluidigm的新产品-专为改进流式和质谱样品制备工作流程而设计的自动化样品制备系统。
上一篇:COVID-19: Advanced solutions for viral detection and immune monitoring